Modul Technology leads AI-CENTIVE – incentivizing sustainable mobility behaviour in Austria
Modul Technology is excited to start working on the new project AI-CENTIVE, funded by the FFG via the ICT of the Future program. The goal of the 3 year project is to build and manage a complex mobility data ecosystem which will support changing citizens’ mobility behaviour towards choosing more sustainable options. It is an interdisciplinary project that combines data science, deep learning, weather prediction, information visualisation and tourism management. The project is implemented in collaboration with webLyzard technology, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), ummadum, Data Intelligence Initiative (DIO) and BOKU.
Nowadays the data on mobility choices and the context in which they are taken is split. The aim of the project is to turn it into actionable information thanks to efficient knowledge extraction. A common mobility data ecosystem will merge this data, allowing new AI models that learn to anticipate mobility choices based on varying contexts such as the availability of more environmentally friendly options. Customised incentives leveraging the AI predictions will motivate citizens to make more sustainable mobility choices. As such, AI-CENTIVE will contribute to Austria’s achievement of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Stay tuned … we will very soon go online with the project’s website!